Brief about Pulpotomy

Pulpotomy is defined as the complete removal of coronal portion of dental pulp, followed by placement of suitable dressings or medicament to promote healing and preserved vitality of teeth.

Direct Pulp capping in field of dentistry

Direct pulp capping is defined as the placement of a medicament or non-medicated materials on a pulp that has been exposed in course of excavating the last portion of deep dentinal caries or as a result of trauma.

What is Indirect Pulp Capping?

Indirect pulp capping is defined as the procedure where in small amount of carious dentine is retained in deep areas of cavity to avoid exposure of pulp, followed by placement of a suitable modicament and restorative materials that seals off the carious dentine and encourages the pulp recovery.

Have you noticed Bruxism, Nail biting and Lip biting habits in your children ?

Today in this article we will explore about bruxism, nailbiting and lipbiting habits in children and explore various aspects to it.

What is Mouth Breathing ?

Mouth breathing is defined as habitual respiration through the mouth instead of nose.

Everything About Tongue Thrusting

Today in this article we will know everything about tongue thrusting. Tongue Thrust is defined as the forward movement of the tongue tip between the teeth to met the lower lip during deglutition and in sounds of speech, so that the tongue lies interdentally.

How to manage thumb sucking habits in children?

Management should be started once the childs starts to show the sign of the habits.

Thumb Sucking Habits in Children

Thumb sucking is the placement of the thumb in varying depth into the mouth.