Different types of Obturation technique and material used for it

Today in this article we will look at the different types of obturation technique and various aspects to it.

Technique of Obturation:

- Main goal of endodontic obturation is to create a fluid-tight seal along the length of the root canal system, from the coronal opening to the apical termination.

Endodontic Pressure Syringe:

- It was developed by Greenberg and described by Spedding and Krakow.

- Consists of syringe barrel, threader plunger, internally threaded needle, and a small wrench.

- Needle is placed 1mm short of apex and material pored in.

- Disadvantages include overfill, more time consumption, and more voids.

Mechanical Syringe:

- Proposed by Greenberg.

- Cement is loaded in 30 gauze needle syringe and expressed into canal.

Tuberculin Syringe:

- Aylord and Johnson utilized this syringe.

- They use standard 26 Gauze, 3/8th inch needle.

- Syringe is loaded and material is expressed into canal by slow finger pressure on the plunger until canal was visibly filled at the orifice.


- Popularized by Riffin.

- Regular mix of zinc oxide eugenol is loaded into the tube and placed into canal orifice and material squeezed into the canal in downward squeezing motion until the orifice appears visibly filled.

Incremental Filling Technique:

- Used by Gould.

- Endodontic plugger with rubber stop, is used to place a thick mixture of cement into the canal. Thick mixture is prepared into a flame shape corresponding to size and shape of the canal and then tapped gently into the apical area with the help of plugger.

Amalgam Plugger:

- Used by Nosonwitz and King.

Paper Points:

- Used by Spedding.

Lentulo spiral technique:

- Introduced by Kopel.

- In this method, obturation material is taken inside the canals with either a hand lentulo or engine driven (micromotor handpiece) on its predetermined length and rotated.

- Additional paste placed fill canals are filled.

Reamer Technique:

- After pulp extirpolation is complete, canal is dried with paper points.

- Then mix of zinc oxide eugenol is made and inserted into the canal with clockwise rotation, in a vibratory motion to allow the material to reach the apex and withdrawn from the canal in anticlockwise using Reamer.


Material Used for Obturation:

S.N Materials Composition
1 Zinc oxide eugenol Zinc oxide powder + Eugenol oil
2 Calcium hydroxide  
a) KRI paste
b) Maisto paste
c) Walkhoff paste

Derivative of iodine
 Iodoform + camphor +parachlorophenol + menthol
 Zinc oxide + iodoform + thymol + camphorchlorphenol + lanolin
Parachlorophenol + camphort + menthol
4 Calcium hydroxide and iodoform mixture.
a) vitapex/ metapex

Ca(OH)2 + Iodoform + Oil additives
Endoflas Barium sulphate + Ca(OH)2 + iodoform + Zinc oxide eugenol
6)  Mineral trioxide aggregate Tricalcium aluminate + tricalcium silicate + silicate oxide + tricalcium oxide + bismuth oxide


Zinc Oxide Eugenol:

  1. Commonly used filling material for primary teeth.
  2. Used without catalyst allows adequate working time.
  3. It have anti-inflammatory and analgestic properties.
  4. Its underfilling-clinically frequently acceptable.
  5. Its overfilling may cause mild foreign body reaction.
  6. Its disadvantages are:
    - Slow resorption
    - Irritation to the perapical tissues.
    - Necrosis of bone and cementum.
    - After the path of erupting teeth.

Iodoform Paste:

  1. Consists zinc oxide and iodoform mixed into a paste.
  2. Advantage of KRI paste over zinc oxide eugenol are:
    - Resorbs rapidly
    - How long-lasting bacteriocidal effect.
    - Chemically active till entirely resorbed.
    - Good healing properties.
  3. Its disadvantages include:
    - Yellowish discoloration of the tooth.
    - Irritation to perapical tissues.
  4. It is commercially available as : walkhoff paste, maisto paste.


Calcium Hydroxide:

  1. Material easy to apply and resorbs of a slightly faster rate than that of the root.
  2. No toxic effects on permanent successor.
  3. Radiopaque
  4. Nearly ideal primary tooth filling material.
  5. It is commercially available as Vitapex and Metapex.
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