Do you know about pedodontic triangle?

Pedodontic Triangle was first explained and conceptualized by Wright and later modified by Mc Donald et,al. Patient doctor relation in adult is linear, but in pedodontics the relation is triangular. Therefore, Pedodontics Triangle is the triangular relation between child, parents and dentist. This is beacause in pedodontics, the parent and child both are involved and child is at the apex of triangle as he is the centre of attention. In the given figure, the arrows indicated that the communication is not only limited to child but it is reciprocal to both dentist and parents.

 Fig: Pedodontic triangle.

Similarly,community has become a major part of all components of enviroment . A new parameter is added into the centre of the triangle indicating that management method are acceptable to society.

Fig: Modified  pedodontic triangle.

An authoritative or over indulgent parent always tries to interfere in the conversation between the dentist and child by answering on behalf of the child. So in this case, there will be more communication between parents and dentist, and therefore, equilateral triangle is replaced by isosceles triangle. In other-hand, if parent is negligent then conversation between the parent and dentist may not be reciprocal effectively. Therefore, right angled triangle replaces the equilateral triangle.

Also, there is a new model based on the pedodontic triangle and have termed it pediatric dentistry treatment model. If presents the former triangle as square which consist of pediatric dentist, pediatrician, family and society playing important roles and hence child is the centre of attention. And in this model four different principles i.e prevention,risk assessment and management, child psychology and behavior management stand out.

 Fig: Pediatric dentistry treatmet model

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