First dental visit

Primitively, the first visit of child to dentist was scheduled around 3 years of age. According to Nowak, a child first dental visit should occur no later than 12 months of age, that helps dentist to evaluate the infant’s oral health, and determine the child’s risk for developing dental disease. But later, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry ( AAPD) recommended that the first visit of the child to the dental clinic should occur within 6 months of the eruption of first primary tooth.
The first dental visit to child should be organized in such a way that it becomes enjoyable experience to him/her. The first visit is more or less mutual assessment session between the child and dentist and dental environment.

Goals of First dental visit

  1. To familiarize children with dental setting and various types of dental treatment.
  2. To provides infant, toddler and children a pleasant fun-filled non-threatening introduction to dentistry.
  3. To introduce and encourage preventive philosophy about oral health of child.
  4. To determine the relative risk and susceptibility of the child to dental disease.
  5. To detect the presentation of early dental disease(white spot lesions)
  6. To assist and support the parents to raise the caries free children.

Preparation of child for first dental visit by Parents

  1. Make an appointment at a time suitable for the child( never during nap, play or eating time of child)
  2. Read a story and or watch a movie about going to the dentist with your child( For example Mr. Bean’s visit to the dentist)
  3. Play “dentist” with your child.
  4. Do not express your fear of dentistry in front of child.
  5. Let your dentist know any type of psychological, mental or physical disabilities your child may have.
  6. Do not promise the child that there will be no pain/dentist will not hurt you. This conveys the possibility of pain exists.
  7. Let your child bring/ carry favourite toys to dental clinic.
  8. Allow time for child and dentist to get acquainted.
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