Have you seen Pedodontic clinic?

Today in this article we will discuss about pedodontic clinic and various aspects to it. To make dental clinic a very clinical friendly following aspects should be considered important,

Space Provision or Play Area:

  1. Usually children do not sit in one place for than few minutes. So, they require free, empty space to move here and there,
  2. A fish tank or slide may be kept in such empty area that may help them to reduce anxiety before there turn comes for dental treatement.

Front Desk:

  1. The receptionist should posses communication skills to deal with children effectively.
  2. He/She must call the child by his/her name and also talks about the topics of his/her interests.

Waiting Area:

  1. This may be useful for children, who are interested to show their intellect and engage in smarter game.
  2. This can comprise books and games for elder children and waiting parents by which they can utilize the waiting time before the treatement.

Attire and presentatin of the clinic staff:

  1. Its better not to wear cap, appron, white coat, gloves, masks by dental staff that may make child anxious and nervous.
  2. Therefore make an attempt to met a child casually and in a friendly way and preferably not around the dental chair.

Colors, Smells and Sounds:

  1. Children like bold, bright fresh colors such as yellow, red, blue, green, orange and pink colors. so as according to their likes and dislikes the flor and walls of the clinic should be painted.
  2. Also, smell of spirit, eugenol, waxes may not go good with children as well as the noise of air-rotor, compressor can be disturbing too. So it is best to mask these sound by use of light instrumental music.

Gift and Rewards:

  1. Give a child a token of appreciation for good work with a small gift at the end of the visit such as cars, dolls, pencil and medals.

Audio- Visual Aids for Entertainment:

  1. Children can get easily distracted while watching cartoon films. The TV set can be added in front of dental chair to get distracted and forget the dental treatement while being carried out.


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