What is pedodontics?

The word Pedodontics is made of two words,i.e. pedo+dontics. Pedo is derived from Greek word "pais" meaning child and "dontics" meaning study of teeth.Pedodontics is the art and science and branch of dentistry, which deals with comprehensive, interceptive oral health in children from childhood to adolescent age particularly and complete health in general.

As the years passed by, pedodontics has come a long way and came into the realization that the first dental visit should be initiated as soon as the first tooth erupts in oral cavity and preventive educative aspect should start much earlier, by parental counseling.


  1. Primary teeth helps in the better nutrition by permiting your child to chew properly.
  2. It helps by involving in speech development.
  3. It create healthy smile in your child which helps them to look good.
  4. It helps in  the eruption of permanent teeth.


  1. Health of a child as a whole -We must be certain that our effort to improve dental health is always in accordance with the general health of patient.
  2. More specifically we are concerned with oral health-The earliest attempt at prevention is at expectant mother and advised on dental health of her future child. After child is born we advise the mother to continue appointments. First dental appointment for a child is usually at 6 months.
  3. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment- Introduce and implement the principles of preventive dentistry from birth so that early diagnosis is initiated and that helps in the prompt treatment which avoid the further complications.
  4. Restoring the mouth to good health-During restorative treatment first and foremost necessity is to convince the patient and parent that treatment is worthwhile.
  5. To observe and control the necessary developing dentition of child patient.
  6. Relief if pain-As and when necessary bearing in mind patient's total well being.
  7. Increase the knowledge-Following this we will produce a service for the child as an individual population which is dentally educated which also leads to elevation if profession.
  8. Instill a positive attitude and behavior-This not only help in accomplishing the treatment in a desired manner but also make the child a good dental patient even in adulthood.
  9. Restore the lost tooth structure-To maintain tissue harmony between the hard and soft tissue.
  10. Management of special patients-Managing physically mentally disabled and medically compromised children by avoiding discomfort to them.



  1. Text book of pediatric dentistry-Nikhil Marwah 4th edition.
  2. Principles and Practice of Pedodontics-Arathi Rao.
  3. Internet sources.
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