Different parts of dental x-ray machine.

The dental X-ray is made up of three components. i.e. Control panel, extension arm and tube head. We will discuss each of these in details.

Different types of Obturation technique and material used for it

Main goal of endodontic obturation is to create a fluid-tight seal along the length of the root canal system, from the coronal opening to the apical termination.

Exploring Apexogenesis and Apexification

Apexogenesis is defined as the treatment of the vital pulp by capping or pulpotomy in order to permit continued growth of the root and closure of the open apex and Apexification is the method of inducing development of the root apex of an immature pulpless tooth by formation of oseocementum / bone like tissue.

Explore Pulpectomy (Dental procedure for saving teeth)

Pulpectomy is deined as the Removal of entire pulp and subsequent filling of the canals of primary teeth with suitable resorabable material. 

Devitalization Pulpotomy In Brief

Today in this article we will discuss regarding Devitalization Pulpotomy. Devitalization Pulpotomy is the vital pulpotomy. It is also known with its other name Mummification, Cauterization. It is intended to destroy or mummify the vital tissue.